Archive for April, 2012

Dear Brain,
Why do think it’s okay to never settle on anything?  Is there a reason why I can’t keep an interest in the same thing over a period of time without tiring and wanting to do something completely different?  When it’s about knitting and painting, that’s no problem at all.  But when it takes over my blogging, my school work AND my social life, then “Enough. Is. ENOUGH!” and I would kindly ask you to stop messing with my zen thing!


Faithfully,  Me

PS:  I have found out what the perfect weapon against you really is!  It’s a steady lack of sleep, and I really don’t wish to use it since it damages my body equally as much.  May I please  just get some good rest, without you pushing me into serious bipolarism?   This is getting ridiculous!

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It’s not about what you can NOT do, it’s about what you CAN do!


So I had this little project going last week, trying not to say anything that could be construed as  “I can’t”,  and focusing instead on what I could do.  And as predicted, I had to completely shut up most of the time.  But, it worked!  I was able to keep 99% quiet about what I couldn’t do for almost ten days, and instead tried to just go for it instead.


This might be the worst possible timing to end the “Yes, man!”-week, because today is also the last day you can send in your school applications.  I already sent mine a few weeks ago, (yay me!) but I`m aiming really high with those lonely two, and I haven’t really made any backup choices for next year.  So, I have about 4 hours left to decide about the rest of my frikkin’ life.   NO PRESSURE!


Oh, and whilst speaking of pressure!

I still have my huge assignment text to write.  Even though I was a very good girl and wrote TWO whole pages the other day, I still need at least four to eight more.  And if you say anything like “that’s nothing!“, then I will have to hunt down and bitchslap you, and then make you write the whole damn thing for me.

(Also, how dare you say that, don’t you know that my “record” still stands at only six pages of solid text?  That’s not a frikkin’ lot, even if  I suck at writing.)


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It’s not about what you can not do, it’s about what you CAN do!


As sure as the icy wind blowing over the sun-warmed coast,  I have decided to try something very difficult this week!  And before you ask; no.  It has nothing very little to do with the flowery language.  I am going to try to live by the above saying, and not  say anything that has to do with what I cannot do!  This probably means that I will have to simply shut up most of the time, and then re-write myself the rest of the time.   Wish me luck, for I will probably need it in spades.


If there is one thing I`m really good at, it is to complain and whine over trivial things that I in actuality care even less about than, for example, random fun stuff.  It’s a (bad?) habit, and I believe we all have it in varying degrees.  So, can we do anything about it?  Absolutely!


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