Archive for the ‘iDreamcatch’ Category


I`ve been watching gameplay from Amnesia: Dark Descent these past two-three days.  It is the scariest thing I’ve seen since I saw The Descent with a bunch of teenagers one dark Halloween, and I can’t seem to stop!  I don’t watch horror movies, I don’t like horror movies, and I`m rarely actually scared by horror movies.  But this game, this friggin’ Amnesia, scares the crap out’a me!  And I`m not even the one playing it!! I just love watching Tobuscus play, and now it’s Amnesia‘s turn.  It’s one hell of a scary game.


Tonight I dreamed about being trapped in snow.  It wasn’t really a nightmare, I never suffocated or anything like that, but it was a little creepy.  I dreamed I was on winter vacation where we used to be, and though I don’t remember what we were doing there most of the dream, I distinctly remember danger coming in the form of a pack of wolves or something like that.  Weird, ’cause I`m not even scared of wolves!  But they were coming, and we needed to hide.  We had no way of getting into the house in time, and my friends just left me there, driving away.  I don’t even know if they were my friends, they were just unidentified people playing roles in my dream.  So they left me there to fend for myself, great friends that they were.  But I had a plan!  I was going to bury myself in the snow (which is fully possible up there) and wait out the attack!  This is why I think the monsters were wolf-like, because I had to go completely under the snow with no openings for smell to escape, and lie completely still so they wouldn’t hear me.  (My dream-logic ignored the part about canines able to smell humans through several meters of snow.)  Lying there for a really long time, I realized that I was actually quite comfortable!  It was really odd, lying completely encased in snow and ice, not too cold or too warm, and being able to breathe.  And that was the dream.  Never mind that the wolfies arrived and kept sniffing around right over my head, grunting to each other like cavemen and trying to find me.  I was buried in ice, only able to see snow and hear the wolfies.  I couldn’t move, smell, talk or get help.

And I was fine.

What would Jung or Freud say?

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Nå har jeg laget min andre drømmefanger!
Denne ble fin og rund, og fikk hull i midten slik det skal være.

Nevnte jeg at jeg har dilla?

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Jeg har laget min aller første drømmefanger!

Litt skeiv og bøyd og med røkne tråder, men er rimelig stolt!

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