Archive for the ‘NaNoWriMo’ Category

We are currently in the NaNoWri-Month.

I am not a writer.


Sometimes when I sit by myself on my bed, lost in my own thoughts, I play through various scenarios and conversations in my head.  This is not unusual by any stretch of the imagination, by the way, apparently this is something everyone does more or less regularly. It is quite similar to dreaming, which is probably why it is most commonly known as “daydreaming”.  Anywhoozle, these scenarios that run through my brain are most often “what if” situations played out or explored.  “What if I had said yes instead of no?” “What if I knew this person and had to explain my life to them?” “What if I got transported back in time?”  These are but a few examples.

What annoys me is that I can do this for a really long time, basically playing out half a movie in my head, and I never write it down.  I don’t think I`ve ever written one of these down.  Earlier today I realized that I am basically writing bad novels in my head without writing them down.


We are currently in the NaNoWri-Month.

Let’s try to write something.


To be continued…

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