
My grandma told me a story a couple of years back, of how they got snowed in where they lived before. Grandpa had to leave for work by climbing out the second floor window and ski to town. The snow reached second floor in height.  I don’t remember for sure if this second part was the same winter, but grandma needed milk for her little baby (my father), and so left him sleeping in the cradle and hastily skiied to town and back to bring the milk, since the milk man couldn’t come.

Their elderly neighbour perished from cold while shoveling snow.


Jeg har ihjel-stekt noen grønnsaker av typen “ymse kål”, kombinert med bittelitt kjøttdeig jeg hadde liggende, chili-powder for days, og brukt denne som basis for tre dagers måltid. Først som pizza-fyll (med masse ost, og tomat- + paprikapure), idag som det samme, men med knekkebrød istedenfor pizzabunn. Tror også jeg lagde litt makaroni igår, og blanda tomat- og paprikasausen med dem. Grønt på toppen. Det så ærlig talt ganske fult ut, men smakte jättegott.



I’ve been watching TED talks about “how to interract with Norwegians” and I`ve actually learned so much.  About myself, but mostly about things that I find hard to explain to other people. Social interraction is a whole other language, and it varies all over the world. Less easy to explain than spoken language, but still important.


2017 skal jeg prøve å gjøre til det året da jeg brukte de kreftene jeg har på å få til noe. Anything.  Jeg leter fremdeles etter et godt ord å oversette “spite” til, som passer med hvordan jeg gjør mitt beste på å motivere meg selv til å få til noe “out of spite”.  Det nærmeste jeg kommer er “å gjøre det på pur faen”.  Så langt har det fungert ca 6 av 10 ganger, hvilket er langt bedre enn tidligere.

Alt er bedre enn äckliga 2016, men jeg håper ærlig talt at all gørra som har bygd seg opp nå kan brukes til noe litt bedre og langt mer produktivt.

Drip drip drop

Rain, rain, and even more rain.  Truly, I don’t remember such stereotypical dark & dreary autumn weather hitting us like this in a very long while.  This time last year, the sun was shining and the grass was still green and soft.  Now, there are mud patches everywhere, rivers of water through the streets, and gale winds almost every day and night.  Dryness is a rare and distant concept.  I bless my thick socks and numerous articles of wool clothing, and try to keep the chill out of my bones.

Only a week ago, we had orange and yellow leaves! If there is any color left in this world by the time this rain ends, my guess is that it will all be in the brown-to-dirt range.  Isn’t there a scene in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban where the Whomping Willow shakes off a single leaf, and then the whole foliage suddenly drops to the ground, leaving a naked and shivering tree?  It’s just like that.


Trysil & Røros


All pictures are mine, and not for public use.

Writing a nonsensical and fairly useless post to show that I am indeed alive and have not abandoned this site completely, contrary to numerous evidence hinting otherwise.  Will try to write up some new updates;  May fail even at this.

Ctrl+V Update

I am doing well enough.

Just got back inside from my morning sunrise picture escapade with fingers so frozen I used hot water to warm them AND BOY SHOULD I HAVE NOT DONE THAT.  Sometimes I tend to forget the hard lessons learned in childhood. Pro tip: When you’re really cold, be careful with warming up too quick. It is incredibly painful, and can be harmful in extreme cases. The pain is usually enough of a deterrent, tbh.


I am very hungry. Decided that I would try to make oatmeal for breakfast today… if I can remember how, beyond the very basics.

Late nights, again

I turned my hours back around yesterday (to a more beneficial sleeping schedule, that is), or so I thought. Even after a long and very hard day of work (carrying a lot of heavy things from 1 to 10 pm with nary a break), I went to bed around midningt, STILL unable to fall asleep before 3.  And I`m still very much awake tonight. So, I`m up reading. It’s not the best choice, but rather that than the tiny panic attacks that sometimes follow sleepless nights.

Past midnight

Sometimes, I would give anything to be able to cast a temporary Silencing Hex on people outside. Like, most of the time. Right now, for instance.  Shut up, neighbours! It’s past midnight!  I have some issues with sleeping (and basically living normally) when I hear something (people-related) outside, and weekends are the absolute worst.  When I was home alone all last week, I slept at grandma’s place during the weekend, and it was so great; Only the wind in the trees, some birds now and then, and constant waves crashing in on the shore.  No people stumbling drunkenly through the street, no cars stopping outside at 4 AM.  This weekend, I`m unexpectedly home alone again.  The only good thing is the drizzling rain, which makes most party people loath to walk outside. But those darn neighbours are more active than even I am during the night, with their 8+ noisy cars and weird night jobs.  And talking.

Day 8: Poinsettia

POINSETTIA:  Favorite holiday dish?

A:  Pinnekjøtt.

I have no idea what it is in English and I am too lazy to check right now.

Day 7: Calla Lily


If you died right now, what song would you want to play at your funeral?


This is a very loaded question. Did I die right here and now, just a heart attack out of nowhere?  Was there a different reason?  See, I wouldn’t mind having Amy Van Roekel‘s version of O Death played, especially the second part of that particular rendition, but that might come off as a bit tasteless.  After all, funerals are for the living, not the dead.  What I want played makes little difference, as I will not be around to enforce the fullfillment of my wishes.  Plus, I`m a bit of an arse when it comes to what I want, and could probably manage to sour my own funeral with my own requests.  I should probably settle for some pretty melody with no lyrics, and leave it at that.

Day 6: Orange Blossom


If you could pick the gender and appearance of your child, would you?

A:  Yes.

Day 5: Allium

ALLIUM:  What’s the best thing you can cook?

I make a mean pizza, but my favorite is a pot of mexican.

Day 4: Foxglove

FOXGLOVE:  Name three facts about your family?

I`m the youngest of five.

I have six nieces and nephews.

My bro is having a heart surgery in a few weeks.

Day 3: Jasmine

JASMINE:  What color looks best on you?

A:  Black.

Although green might be a good contender.

Day 2: Carnation

If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer?

A:  Freddy Mercury!

Hey, you never specified if it had to be a current band or living artist.  I would do murder to be able to go back in time and catch a Queen concert or five.

Day 1: Daisy

How old were you when you had your first kiss?

A:  Zero.
